Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Finding The Time

So my oldest sister, Olivia, called me yesterday morning to ask if I had already gone for my run…which I hadn’t. She then asked if she could join me when I went for which I was more than excited to have her along with me! So we went to my favorite place in the entire city of Albuquerque…the Bosque and worked out together! She said she had been reading my blog and wanted to try and start exercising more! I love being able to encourage and inspire people. If I can make just one person feel that they too are capable of setting out to accomplish a goal they have for themselves then I am happy!

Olivia did awesome and was able to run 5+ minutes without stopping…this totally blew my mind because when I started running I could barely make it to a minute without having to stop and walk! So after our workout I was inspired to try and go PR my fastest mile…which had been 12:48. I hopped on the treadmill at my apartment and set the pace to 5.2 MPH, I was feeling great, had control over my breathing and halfway through I was still feeling good but my mind started playing games with me. It’s so easy to doubt what you’re capable of. When you’re facing a challenge it’s so easy to be discouraged and let your mind grab ahold of you and stop you from accomplishing what you set out to do. So I made a conscious decision that I would not let my mind win this battle and kept pressing on. I just kept telling myself, “YOU ARE FINE! YOU’RE NOT GASPING FOR AIR, YOU’RE NOT IN PAIN, YOU WILL KEEP GOING!” …and I did. With 0.1 miles left I turned it up to 6.0 to finish strong and completed my mile in 11:24!!!! Woot! Crushed my 12:48 PR! I’m tempted today to try and beat that PR, we shall see. I’m not supposed to run today, it’s my cross-training day, but it’s so tempting! I will let you know tomorrow if obey my training plan or give in to the temptation to beat my PR. Funny…I never thought that I would willingly want to go out and run as fast as I could just for the sake of beating a personal record.

Today I got to meet up with my friend, Krystal while she had a break in between her classes and go on a walk with her (in the freezing snow…no excuses)! I know it’s hard find time to squeeze in exercising when you’re busy with school and work and life, but I was super proud of Krystal for making time for a walk!

So no matter where you’re at today it’s not too late. However, you have to choose what your priorities are. As my fifth grade teacher would say, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” I don’t think I fully understood that saying until now! :) 

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