Monday, September 8, 2014

Weigh In

Monday is already here! I don't know how it managed to sneak up so fast...but it did! So first things first today I weighed in at 215.4 so that put me down 3.6 pounds since my last weigh in! Super happy with that number and as always I'm hoping to keep up the momentum going into this week. I'm really motivated to keep up the hard work because all of my family is coming into town for the Duke City Half Marathon October 19 which is just 5 weeks away!! I can hardly believe that it's almost here. More than the race I'm just excited to be with my siblings...we're loud, obnoxious, crazy, hilarious, and a little stinky...but hey, nobody is perfect!

I had so much fun yesterday...I think a part of the reason I enjoyed the day so much is because I could feel that fall is in the air! Fall is seriously my favorite time of the year. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because you can literally run anytime of the day and it's always the perfect weather! It is not uncommon for you to find me at the local farmers market just chilling by the green chile roasters taking in the smell, colors, and people! Love it all! So yesterday I spent as much of the day outside as possible! Spent the afternoon strolling around uptown with my mom, brother (Ben), and sister-in-law (Amanda)...then Ben, Amanda, and myself went to my favorite place in here in Albuquerque, the Bosque and enjoyed an afternoon/evening stroll! It was want someone to go with you on a walk in the Bosque...I'm your girl! I was so surprised at how many plants had grown from the little rain we got...there were tons of wildflowers and parts of my favorite paths were overgrown with was crazy but I loved every last bit of it! Here are some pictures:

Strolling through town

As close to a beach as we get here in NM! But a gorgeous view from the Bosque, nonetheless !

Me, Amanda, and Ben

I know, I should've been on wheel of fortune!! hehe...showcasing some wildflowers!
Clearly I may have had a little too much fun...and I may have been a little loud and crazy...but that's just what I do best! So on that's to a week of running, pushing, pulling, and making smart choices!

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