I suppose I will begin with my weigh-in from yesterday! I was hoping to pull *maybe* 2 pounds...much to my surprise I pulled another 4 pounds...putting me at 259!!!! I felt no sorrow as I said sayonara to the 260's! I won't lie though when I say that I had to step on the scale...pick the scale up and move it around multiple times (just to make sure it wasn't an accidental reading)...finally, after I had received the same reading repeatedly I decided to quit trying to make the scale go up! This puts me at a total weight loss of 60 pounds!
I'm working really close work schedules these next couple weeks because I will be leaving soon for Dallas and so this is where it really gets hard to get out of bed and make the most of each workout! However, each day I am determined never to give up and to always keep moving forward. I think I am really surprised by that number (259) because last week there was a day at work where a lovely patient brought chocolates as an appreciation gift to their nurses (we love it when our patients do that...hehe) but the downside is that without thinking I ate about 6 squares....and then I looked at the calories....yeah in about 1 minutes I consumed nearly 500 calories!!! I was so angry at myself, especially because I hadn't worked out that day. After I beat myself up for eating before thinking I decided, "well that really sucks...I'm going to be over my calories today!" I was over my calories, it happened, but it didn't ruin my week. (I'm slowly learning)
Okay on to the next big news...I haven't really mentioned this a lot (just a little in my last post) but I recently completed four different interviews for the day charge nurse position on my unit. I received the news that I got the position!! :D It still blows my mind that I got this position...but I know it shouldn't because it was all clearly orchestrated by the hand of God! It is my constant prayer the God would lead me and guide me to wherever he may see fit for me and where I may best serve Him and be a light to the individuals I work with and the patients I care for. At the beginning of one of my shifts a nurse I worked with said I should consider applying for the charge position. I hadn't even considered applying for this position at that time...so I told her I would think about it. Then that morning not one, not two, but three different people told me they thought I should apply for the position! After four people told me they thought I would be great for the job I decided to go for it...placing it all in God's hands! Four interviews later, a little crying (and slight attitude) over trying to find a blouse (that fit) for my interview, some fears and anxiety I got the news that I got the position! If you would've told me when I graduated in August 2012 that I would be a charge nurse today I probably would've...(and in this order)...laughed, stare at you awkwardly, tell you, "don't lie" (yes, that's the New Mexican in me), go home and cry while eating a bowl of ice cream and consuming a large bag of peanut M&M's while watching extreme makeover weight loss edition! Hehehe...and I don't believe that would be an exaggeration!
I am really excited to be able to work days and be on a normal eating/sleeping schedule! I think that exercising will always be difficult on the days that I work...but I will let you know how that goes. I didn't think that I would be starting until about mid-May, but I just got put on the schedule for mid-April! One month!
Another big an exciting news is that we found out at work that through our insurance we are provided free gym memberships to Defined Fitness (and other gyms). This is really exciting because they have an indoor swimming pool, fitness classes, spin classes (can't wait to try one), and a crapload of lifting equipment!! Yes, I'm one happy girl right now! Such a blessing. Work is looking for fitness ambassadors and I would love to do it but I've got a ton on my plate already...maybe next year when I'm done with school and a little more comfortable in my new position!
Okay, enough of all this exciting news sharing...I'm going to bed...So I will leave you with this!!!
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Girls...and Guys!!! |
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