Saturday, March 22, 2014

It's Almost Here!!!

And the countdown begins...I will be getting up at 0500 to leave by 0530 and hopefully get to the startling at about 0700 (crazy Dallas traffic) and then the race begins at 0800! Relay runners are able to start in any corral they want so I am going to start with David in corral 3!! So the runners I will be starting with will be passing me right away, but it will be worth it to start with David! 

Yesterday we had a blast at the Expo. We hit up all the free samples we could find. Elise was better than David and I were at finding the free minute she disappeared and then showed back up with an entire box (not just one sample size...but like 4) of an allergy lozenge. Then another time she disappeared and came back with an ENTIRE BOTTLE of lotion! It was very impressive! We also had fun taking our picture in front of the B_G sign at the entrance to the expo...

This is just a picture of all the goodies I made out with...I realize now I should've captured all of Elise's items because it is way more impressive than my stash!! ;)

Pure awesomeness!!!
Today was a blast. We went to the huge Farmer's Market they have here and it totally blew my mind! I'm a huge fan of farmer's markets and this one exceeded my expectations!

This is just one vendor's stand!!
After the Farmer's Market we ate lunch at Fadi's, which is a Mediterranean restaurant with some delicious hummus, pitas, and roasted cauliflower!! From there we drove the course for tomorrow. It was nice to be able to see where we would be going, what to expect etc. It's going to be a beautiful course! I'm beyond excited! It blows my mind how far we will be running as we drove the course!! 

Once we finished the course we had a few last minute essentials we had to get at the sporting good store..there I was curious if I would fit into a woman's XL. Let me preface this by saying I have always had to shop in either the plus-size section or look at shirts in the men's/unisex area where the shirts were bigger. I can't even remember the last time I fit into a woman's "regular" size shirt. Even for this run I chose the Men's XL because I didn't want to not be able to fit into the woman's XL...and I'm happy I did that because Brooks tends to run a little smaller anyways. Anyways, I wanted to see how far I was from fitting into a woman's size shirt...and was surprise when I looked in the mirror and saw this..

Woman's Under Armour Semi-Fitted size: XL
It fit! My mind was blown! I tried some Nike XL shorts..and I still have a ways to go before fitting into those...I still have some thunder thighs ;) but I don't even care!

For dinner tonight it was a little more extra carbs with lots of veggies!!! :D Yummy! I'm more so nervous about what I will eat for breakfast in the morning because I still haven't really found something to eat to keep my stomach happy before my runs. I think I'm going to copy David and have a Chobani Greek Yogurt! But here's a picture of our delicious homemade dinner...

Alright...I will stop making you jealous with all the deliciousness! 

It is time for my bed. I feel pretty good about the race tomorrow. I don't particularly have any jitters right now, but if you ask me how I'm feeling in the morning it may be a different story. I know that I can go the distance...I've done the training necessary...and even in a worst case scenario the course is open long enough for someone to be able to walk it at just over an 18 minute pace!!! :D So that is very reassuring. So I have everything set out for the morning so all I have to do is wake up, eat, get dressed, and go! I've been hydrating all day today so hopefully I won't have any issues as far as that is concerned! 

David shared a little snippet from a commentary area in his Bible that says, "about the time we are ready to give up, Jesus comes alongside and whispers, 'Don't quit, keep going, keep your eyes on Me,' as He provides His gentle touch of grace, joy, and love at just the right moment (see Hebrews 12:1-3)." Very encouraging! So with that said...goodnight!

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