Sunday, May 25, 2014

Keep the Fire Burning

I know I didn't post my weigh in this week. I have been sick since Tuesday and I am still trying to get back to 100%. I have a lovely case of bronchitis (ain't nobody got time for that), snot that will make your grass weep with jealousy in its fervent green color, and about as much energy as a sunflower (you know lift your head when the sun rises...lay it back down as the sun goes down). Alright I will stop complaining...really I would rather be outside running! I only ran Monday last week and haven't done anything since then. Monday I went to Zumba with my dear friend and then went for a run afterwards. When I was at Zumba I did a weigh-in and got measured at the time the scale said 238 and  I had lost another 1/2 inch off my waist (no change on bust or hips...darn hips won't budge)...however when I weighed in on Wednesday my scale said 243....I would like to think it's the amount of crud in my chest that is adding the extra pounds...because I had been spot on with my that is why I decided to simply bypass this weeks weigh-in and let my body do as it pleases (just this once)! 

I didn't get to share that I found the most amazing trail ever! As it turns out I wasn't ever on the actual Bosque trail...I was running parallel of if I head east back over the Rio Grande I found the actual Bosque Trail!! :D It excites me ever so much because it reminds me of a greenway that me and my sister (Erika) went running at in Clarksville, Tennessee when we were out there for my brother David's wedding. This is a picture that I took of the greenway in Tennessee: (clearly not here in NM given all the H2O and Greenery) 

While the scenery here in New Mexico leaves much to be desired it was beautiful nonetheless and this is what it looks like:

you have to use a little imagination...but there is a little stream of water
(that is not pictured off to the right) along this trail

And me running very happily! Enjoying the
site and smell!! Love the smell of spring!

Since I have had so much time to me and my sick self I have been doing some thinking...and I'm super frustrated because I had been crushing it week after week in my weigh-ins....and now I seem to have come to a stand still. I know Plateaus are supposed to be good because it means your body is meeting the challenge you've set out for it...but it also means harder work is now in store. My nutrition has got to be on the spot...because regardless of all the hard work I put in at the gym, on my runs, or in the pool it all comes down to what I putting in my mouth and how much I'm putting in! This week I have been trying to meticulously count every calorie I put in my mouth...yesterday I roasted some butternut squash (yummy) and it reminded me how much I really enjoy roasted veggies! I had been roasting any and every kind of veggie you could imagine...I've roasted broccoli, cauliflower, squash (of all kinds), carrots, green beans, cabbage, the list goes on and on...and this is such an easy (and delicious) way to consume and add veggies to ones diet! I think I'm going to try to stick right around 1,400 calories. I think that number allows me to have decent meals and a couple good snacks throughout the day and I don't feel starved by the end of the day! 

I have had some time to think about what it will be like when I do hit my goal. What do I think will happen? I sometimes imagine the winner on the biggest loser or the big reveal on extreme makeover weight loss all seems so exciting...but is that real? This process has taught me that losing weight is so much more than becoming a smaller's about learning to love yourself and accept that we are all human and fall short of the worlds standards of beautiful. If I think that when I hit a certain weight all of my insecurities, doubts, and self-loathing will disappear...well, then I know this journey will have taught me nothing. The whole process of losing weight is learning to love yourself, having faith in what you can accomplish, and having the confidence to get out there each and every day and allowing yourself to be vulnerable in front of the people you love. Weight loss is so much more about the mental, emotional, and spiritual changes that occur than it is the physical changes. It's about learning that food will always be there, it's not going out of fashion or on the verge of it's okay to put down the fork and say, "I'm okay!" When I've hit my calorie limit I have to remind myself that what I want to eat tonight will still be there's not going to be my friend and make me feel cozy, and loved, and wanted, or desired... 

I'm a ways from where I want to be but I'm learning that beauty truly comes from within. The way we feel, live, and act is to be beautiful. It's not the skin..the hair...the makeup...the size of your's the virtue, the character, the soul of an individual that makes them beautiful. I think we've confused being pretty with being beautiful. No amount of weight loss can make me feel what has been within me all along. I'm slowly learning what 1 Peter 3:4 really means, "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."

Friday, May 16, 2014

More than just a weigh in

I promise I didn't forget to weigh-in on Wednesday...just having the time to write about it is the problem! I lost 4.5 pounds this week so I'm down to 241. I'm gonna be honest...I'm sick and tired of the 240's and so ready to say goodbye; that means I'm working my butt off to get to the 230's this week! I know I can do it. Just so long as I keep eating my veggies. I know that increasing my vegetable intake really helps me stay in control of my calorie intake. I tend to eat all veggies first and fill up on those and that way I don't eat as much of whatever my entree may be! 

My Nike woman's XL tank representing
Boston Strong!!! <3
This week has been good as far as running/cross-training is concerned. Today I went to Zumba and yesterday I went on my 3.5 mile run with my sister. I really enjoy running with someone. Even if we don't talk it's just nice to have someone along side you. I may get the courage to attempt a running group one day...when I'm a little faster! I've also thought that it would be fun once I've hit my goal and have some spare time to mentor young girls who would like to start running. There's just something about having someone to encourage you, help you see what you're capable of, and believe in you when you don't yet believe in yourself. I think that is why I enjoy running with my little sister. Every run she begins it by saying, "oh I hope I can do this!" The funny thing is she could really do the run we do together much faster than the pace that I set for us...but it's fun to coach her, encourage her, and watch her push through the rough patches! I guess it's just nice to know that someone who is smaller and faster than me still doubts their capabilities!

Last night I taught my sister about resting heart rate. I showed her that my resting heart rate is now in the 40's!! :D Something I am very proud of! She was disappointed when her heart rate only got down to I think 60!! ;) However, it was even better this morning when we checked out my heart rate and it was 38!!! A number I never thought I would see from me! I remember my anatomy and physiology instructor saying elite athletes can have resting heart rates in the 30's! All I could think of was if I was to be checking someones heart rate in the hospital I would freak out because A) the machine would be screaming "bradycardia" and B) That's a low heart rate!! One of the greatest things for me aside from seeing *slowly* the outward changes is watching the physiological changes...I really need to get my cholesterol checked again and compare it to my labs that I had done about a year and a half ago. A year and a half ago (I would have to look up the numbers) but I had elevated bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol! Yikes! Not good for a 23 year-old! My work offers free cholesterol checks annually...I just need to take advantage of the wonderful resource. I will do that soon..but it's really fun to do more than just a weigh in and be able to see results in other areas of my body that also reflect improvement and increased health!

Alright, well I have one more random side note...Abbie graduated last night *WOOT* and in true Rosecrans tradition we went out to Fudruckers to eat afterwards. I was super excited to see a poster for the Dart from Texas! I do believe I told everyone there..."Hey you see that sign for the Dart?! I rode the dart from my transition zone to the finish line in Dallas for my half-marathon relay!" I was, what some might call, excited. I couldn't not take a picture of me with here it is...

That's about it for now! 5 miles tomorrow! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Tale or Two!

It has been a good week so far, finished this semester of school with a 4.0 and ran 5 miles Saturday with my little sister, Abbie. Then today I ran 3.1 miles since I work tomorrow and I try to do as much running outside as I can! Well, I have a coupe stories to share from the last few ready or they come! :D

Friday evening I was leaving Flying Star after having completed my last final for the semester *yay* and as I was walking to my car (off to the left of the road) I hear a car honk, not thinking it was for me I kept walking...well a couple seconds later they honk their car horn again and a girl yells, "could you move your fat ass further to the side of the road?!" I wish I had a penetrating gaze that could seep into their soul and reflect not the hurt that I felt but my longing to help them see the value of a person. I don't know when the honking of horns, the crude statements, the judging stares stop...but I do know that my reaction and how I let those words linger in my mind is what really matters. For those of you who have experienced this, or may one day experience, or even for those of you who may have been the "honker" or "yeller" remember that our words have the power to lift someone up or tear someone apart. It reminds me of Psalms 139:14, "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." If nothing else I take it as a my family I have never been known as the one with the "fat ass" maybe all my running and squats are paying off ;)...hahaha....

Saturday my sister called me in the morning to ask if I had worked out yet, which I hadn't, so she said she would go on a run with me! I was happy because this week I had my 5 mile endurance run. As we were getting started out Abbie was doubting her ability to be able to finish the run..I just kept telling her, "Yes you can! Just keep going!" And what do you know?! We crushed it...I even had to tell her to slow down near the end *just not fair*! But not only did we both finish the run something that I was really excited about was that I was able to talk to her during our run. I've told anyone that I run with, "don't expect me to talk to you, I can't talk and run at the same time!" That was really exciting for me! :D Here's the map/summary of our 5 miles!
2500 feet500 m
© 2014 Microsoft Corporation© 2013 Nokia
DistanceTimeAvg PaceCaloriesElevation Gain
After our run...our faces were really red, but the fluorescent
light makes us look better than we really were!
Today I was technically supposed to rest after my endurance run but I wanted to run today so that I wouldn't have to run on the treadmill tomorrow. It was another hill run so I went up Osuna again which has a steady incline the entire way. I hate the trail the first mile, but once I get into it I eventually end up surrendering to the run and enjoy it. Plus I feel like I am benefiting myself in the long run for the half-marathon! 

I have done better this week consuming my veggies! :) We will see what the scale says this week...but really I'm just being patient with myself and persistent! Two of the most important characteristics to have while on a weight loss journey. My brother, Ben, is losing weight too and he said, "I only lost two pounds this week" and I said, "WHAT?! TWO POUNDS?! That's awesome!! That's 8 sticks of butter!!!!!" Yeah..when you need perspective on what a pound is think about it in sticks of butter!!! If that doesn't make you proud then I don't know what will!!! 

One last story...I was super excited today when a woman came up to me and introduced herself to me, Risa or Theresa, *sorry if I am totally off* and said, "I read your blog!" Totally made my day! I know I've said it before but the biggest motivator in starting this blog wasn't how much it would help me but the thought of motivating, encouraging, and lifting up others! So thank you for coming up to me and saying something! :D Alright..well that's all I have for now...Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! I'm so thankful for my momma and the encouragement she has been to me on my weight loss journey! 

Me and momma last November walking in the Bosque <3

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Some days suck!

I dread the weeks/posts when I have to be honest and tell the truth. I mostly hate it because it's embarrassing and I hate having to write everything out and know that others will be able to read how disappointing I can be...and how the weight loss process can be! This week I gained 3.7 pounds putting me up to 245.5 ....UGH! However, I don't understand how I gained weight but I managed to lose half an inch off of my waist (putting me at 36 inches) and half an inch off of my hips (putting me at 47 inches). I do know that the last three days I have not been coping with my emotions in an okay manner and that has resulted in me eating my fears away! Yikes! So today I am calling a truce with myself, being honest here, and getting back on track (right now)!!! 

Tonight I desperately wanted to come home and eat my emotions, stress, frustration away but instead I went for a run...and honestly I think I could've gone longer! If it wasn't for the fact that I work in the morning I probably would've kept going! Tonight I had 3.5 miles on the books and I decided that I needed to push myself so I did my run in the form of sprints. I did the same mileage as my last sprint run but instead I ran the first two sets 100 meter and 200 meter at 7.0 mph and then the 300 meter at 6.2 mph and the 400 meter at 5.8 mph (and I did the 400 meter 4 times instead of 2 times) so I ended up going 4.3 miles by the time it was all said and done! Then I came home, ate a banana, and now I'm drinking water so that I do not eat anything else because I am at my calorie limit for the day (not over thankfully)!!

This week my endurance run is 5 miles. I'm trying to think of somewhere (different) to go for my run to mix up my scenery and have some fun. If all else fails I know the Bosque has never let me down but there are days when I just want to mix things up to keep me on my toes (hahaha literally and figuratively)! 

A goal for me this next week is to be better at eating veggies...I had been doing really well and then this past month I've really done a poor job at maintaining a healthy amount of vegetables in my that is a goal for this week is to start working the veggies back into my menus! I am happy this is my last week of the semester then I have a couple weeks off to enjoy some free time before the summer semester starts back up! The only good thing about school starting back up is that it means I will be over halfway done with my BSN! WOOT! 

Alright, well....this blog is all over the place and I have some homework I have to finish before I get to there you have it...some days what do we do when that happens? Well, I don't know about you...but I keep fighting!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Run For The Zoo Race Details Inside

This morning I headed over bright and early (2 hours early) for my run...I found a decent parking spot and chilled in my car for a bit and then decided to go and cheer for the people that were starting their 10K! The half marathon started at 7 am. Around 8:45 I went to the finish line and cheered for those who were finishing their half marathons! It was fun to watch the faces of those coming up to the finish line as they finished running 13.1 miles! I was a little nervous this morning mainly because I did todays race solo...I didn't have anyone running with me or anyone on the sidelines. Totally had to have an attitude adjustment at the beginning! This wasn't about who was or wasn't with was about me and meeting goals that only I could accomplish...regardless of who or who may not be there by my side! So after all of that it was a beautiful day for a run...a little warm (70 degrees at time of run)...but thankfully there were periods of shade along the way so that really helped! I think I shared in an earlier post that my goal was A) to beat my Dallas 5K time of 37:15 and to B) Be at or just below a 12 minute mile. I did both! I finished in 36:37 (according to my Garmin) and my splits were: 

Avg Pace

As you can see one mile was 12:05, but my average pace was 11:45 and I think that's what matters most! 

8:2016:4025:0033:2008:0012:0016:0020:0024:0028:00Pace (min/mi)
0.511.522.534,8504,9004,9505,000Elevation (ft)
Heart Rate
8:2016:4025:0033:20100120140160180Heart Rate (bpm)

While running there was a a tall overweight man that was running about the same pace as me. At the beginning of the race I passed him and then about halfway through he passed me, and a little while later I passed him again and gained a little ground, but then I got some water and slowed down near the end and he came up right next to me and held his fist out for me so I bumped his fist and said, "great job!" and so we pretty much stuck together the rest of the way! Things like that are what truly make me enjoy/love races! Afterwards I got to see some old friends that I hadn't seen in a while, which was even though I started the race "alone" I finished overflowing with joy! 

Alright so before I go I came across some old pictures of me as a kiddo! As you can see weight has never been a friend of mine...that is why I am on a journey to make it my friend!

(Left to right) Dad, Ben, John, David, Me!

Bahaha...and I think I was 2(ish) here?!
I guess I've always had thunder thighs! ;)